HUBER Solutions - for Local and Global Challenges
We are experts in the treatment of water, wastewater, sludge and waste. Our team have worked with wastewater across Municipal and Industrial applications and have a wealth of extensive experience at providing solutions tailored to the individual client’s needs.
With an understanding of the processes involved and knowledge of the wide range of HUBER products and solutions available, unusual applications are not a problem. By approaching each new project with the aim of understanding the problem or specific requirements, solutions can be as unique as the problems they solve.
Energy, water and food are becoming scarce and expensive. We face the problem of global warming and climate change, with possible catastrophic consequences for nature and humanity, especially for third world countries. HUBER’s large and diverse range of applications offer solutions for sustainable management of scarce resources, for recovery and recycling of energy and materials. We see wastewater as a valuable resource.