Paper and Wood Industry

HUBER products and solutions for your requirements

For cooling or process water, river water or surface water is often used, which first has to be pretreated. For such requirements we use our HUBER screens and screening plants for water intake applications.
Grit and gravel can be reliably separated using HUBER Grit Traps or HUBER Complete Plants.
Our HUBER Drum Screens are ideally suited for fine screening up to 0.2 mm and offer superior separation performance as well as high hydraulic throughput.
Residual materials (e.g. separated process sludges or excess sludge from biological wastewater treatment) are treated with HUBER thickening or dewatering machines, thus saving transport and disposal costs.
With HUBER Belt Dryer BT, dewatered biosolids can be dried to a dry residue of more than 90% DR and thus be reused as fuel. Existing heat sources are used for this purpose.
For the removal of fines or paper fibres, as well as for the reduction of particulate and colloidal COD (or as pre-treatment or secondary clarification), HUBER Dissolved Air Flotation Plants are used. This allows the process water to be further treated or the resulting clear effluent to be discharged into the sewer.
The specially developed self-cleaning HUBER Heat Exchanger RoWin cools wastewater and effluent before it enters biological treatment or is discharged. Recovered heat can be reused.
We are your competent partner, from the treatment of raw water to process water and water recycling to the disposal and recycling of screenings, process sludge and biosolids.
Our solutions for your challenges: