We are experts in municipal wastewater treatment and liquid-solid separation as well as sludge treatment. We have a comprehensive range of machines and equipment for wastewater treatment plants. Our products and solutions have demonstrated their performance and reliability at wastewater treatment plants of every size – from small WWTW to extremely large WWTW.
We are keen to engage with our customers as early on in the planning process as possible to ensure that the correct solution is provided.
We are partners to our customers and support them in meeting the required treatment performance.

We provide solutions for the following fields of municipal wastewater treatment:
Mechanical Pre-Treatment: As the first stage of wastewater treatment, reliable mechanical cleaning is the basic prerequisite for all subsequent wastewater treatment stages.
Advanced Wastewater Treatment: To safely meet increased requirements for the quality of the treated wastewater, there are various processes for reducing and eliminating solids, phosphorus, nitrogen, and trace substances.
Screens for Pumping Stations: Specific screens and screening systems ensure the operational safety of pumping stations and lift stations.