Mineral Waste Disposal Industry

Efficient and Reliable HUBER Products and Solutions for Grit Treatment and Recycling

Our universally applicable and efficient processes for treating and recycling contaminated grit offer reliable and economical solutions for your challenges. With numerous successfully completed projects in the disposal industry and many years of experience, we ensure the reliable and efficient operation of your grit treatment system.
We offer a comprehensive range of proven and well-coordinated equipment, covering all aspects of mineral waste recycling. Additionally, the grit treatment process can be enhanced with additional components, and the water circuit can be closed by incorporating process water treatment systems.
We are capable of designing the ideal solution tailored to the specific characteristics of any type of grit, providing you with optimal and reliable technology for your needs.
Our processes and machines are known for their robust, long-lasting performance with minimal maintenance needs. They also excel in high separation efficiency, with rates exceeding 95%, and offer outstanding organic matter reduction ("loss on ignition").
With over 2,000 successful references worldwide, we have built a reputation for delivering reliable solutions to our customers across the full spectrum of grit processing and disposal. Trust in our proven technologies to optimize your grit treatment and recycling processes, making your operations more efficient and cost-effective.
Our solutions for your challenges: