Public Utilities and Energy Suppliers

HUBER products and solutions for your requirement

HUBER provides innovative wastewater heat recovery solutions for sustainable building heating and cooling, addressing the increasing demand for environmentally friendly and cost-efficient climate control in urban and industrial settings. Using wastewater as a source and sink for thermal energy, HUBER's systems enable CO₂-free heating and cooling, reducing dependency on fossil fuels while utilizing available energy in municipal and industrial wastewater.
Numerous applications and successfully completed installations in the fields of for heating and cooling buildings, combined with our many years of experience in solutions for water, wastewater and sludge, give you the security of getting an individual, efficient and reliable solution for your application.
A comprehensive range of proven and well-coordinated products and solutions covers the typical requirements of these fields.
For wastewater pretreatment upstream of the heat exchangers, the HUBER Pumping Stations Screen RoK4 or other screening systems are used, depending on the installation situation.
For heat transfer from or into the wastewater, the HUBER Heat Exchanger RoWin is available. Efficient self-cleaning ensures constant heat transfer and thus safe and user-friendly operation. Different sizes and the modular design allow project-specific adaptation.