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HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5 The original with well-proven mechanical wastewater pre-treatment components in one machine

  • With aerated or optionally unaerated grit channel
  • Grit trap designed accordance with international standards
  • Separate grease trap with semi-automatic grease removal (optional)
  • Integrated grit washing (optional)

For reasons of operational safety the first step of sewage treatment works is generally mechanical wastewater pretreatment including:

  • Fine screening
  • Screenings treatment
  • Grit separation
  • Grit discharge
  • Separation and removal of fat and grease
  • Integrated grit washing

Complete wastewater pre-treatment prevents operational problems, such as blockages, wear, or silting. We developed and supplied our first HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5 during the 1980s. Since then hundreds of consulting engineers and operators have selected and installed our Complete Plants because of their reliable operation and low maintenance.

Planning and installation of our HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5 units is not only quick and easy, but also saves considerable construction costs. In fact, they are even acknowledged as state of the art in the 4th edition of DWA’s Handbook for mechanical wastewater treatment.

HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5 for 200 l/s
HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5 for 200 l/s
Complete Plant with subsequent Grit Washer RoSF4 T
Complete Plant with subsequent Grit Washer RoSF4 T
Integrated grit washing at the end of the HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5
Integrated grit washing at the end of the HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5
Underground, redundant HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5
Underground, redundant HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5
HUBER Wash Press WAP® SL subsequent to a HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5
HUBER Wash Press WAP® SL subsequent to a HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5
HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5 in above ground tank installation
HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5 in above ground tank installation
HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5 in frost-proof outdoor installation
Frost-proof outdoor installation of a HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5
Parallel installation of HUBER Complete Plants ROTAMAT® Ro5 with subsequent fine screening
Parallel installation of HUBER Complete Plants ROTAMAT® Ro5 with subsequent fine screening
Redundant HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5
Redundant installation of HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5
Classifying screw with subsequent HUBER Coanda Grit Washer RoSF4 T
Small HUBER Grit Washer subsequent to a HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5
6x HUBER Complete Plants ROTAMAT® Ro5 with 160 l/s each
6x HUBER Complete Plants ROTAMAT® Ro5 with 160 l/s each
3x HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5 with 220 l/s each
3x HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5 with 220 l/s each
Redundant, unaerated HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5
Redundant, unaerated HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5
Redundancy in perfection
Redundancy in perfection
Design sketch of HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5
Design sketch: HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5

Design and function

Design sketch of HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5
Design sketch: HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5
Fine screening

Depending on the specific conditions and data, such as peak flow, screenings load and grit load, one of the following HUBER screens is selected:

Other separation sizes can be supplied on demand. Separate details are available for all of these machines.

Screenings treatment

The HUBER screens Fine Screen ROTAMAT® Ro1, Rotary Drum Fine Screen ROTAMAT® Ro2 and Micro Strainer ROTAMAT® Ro9 include an integrated screenings press for dewatering and compaction and therefore do not require an additional wash press. Screenings washing with an optional IRGA unit is possible. Solids concentration of screenings: up to 45% DS.

For HUBER Fine Screen STEP SCREEN® SSF, HUBER Belt Screen EscaMax® a separate HUBER Wash Press WAP® is usually installed behind these HUBER screens. Solids concentration of screenings, depending on the WAP® type used: up to 50% DS.

Grit separation

The grit channels of the HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5 units are designed in accordance with international standards or the customer’s specific requirements. The grit channels are availabe as aerated or optionally unaerated units. The selection of the grit channel type (aerated or unaerated) depends on various criteria, such as the storm/dry weather flow ratio or whether further grit treatment systems are planned.

Grit removal and discharge

The settled grit is collected from the bottom of the grit channel with a horizontal grit screw. An inclined grit screw conveys, agitates and dewaters the collected grit. The classified grit slides from the upper end of the inclined screw into a HUBER Coanda Grit Washer RoSF4 T. Optionally, the material can be pumped to the grit washer.

Grease separation and removal (optional)

Separation of fats and grease is only available when used with aerated grit channels. The grease is collected in a separate chamber with the partition between the grit trap chamber and grease chamber consisting of a slotted scum board. The flow generated within the grit trap chamber by the aeration system transports the grease through the slotted scum board into the grease chamber. In contrast to many competitors, the floating fats and oils are skimmed off the water surface with a paddle scraper that is slowly pulled with a stainless steel rope. The paddle is shaped so that it removes virtually all floating matter from the grease trap. Anaerobic degradation of fat and grease, and there-with odor nuisance, is thus prevented.

Optional integrated grit washing

In this case the horizontal grit conveyor transports the separated grit fractions directly into a grit washer which is integrated at the Complete Plant outlet. Due to a defined introduction of upwardly directed service water the grit situated within the lower part of the grit washer is fluidised within the flow enabling the lighter organic particles to be separated from the dense grit particles. The separation of the lighter organic particles from the dense grit particles is supported by a rabble rake. After removal of the organic material the clean grit is automatically removed by a classifying screw, statically dewatered and discharged into a container.

The benefits of the HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5

  • Dependable, complete and compact headwork unit performing the following process steps:
  • Fine screening
  • Screenings washing (optional)
  • Screenings dewatering
  • Grit separation
  • Grit dewatering
  • Grit trap aeration (optional)
  • Grease separation and removal (optional)
  • Optional integrated grit washing
  • Removal efficiency in accordance with international standards (DWA) with Qmax: 90 % of 75 mesh grit (particle diameter 0.2 – 0.25 mm) (confirmed by the University of Erlangen)
  • Throughput capacity up to 300 l/s (1,080 m3/h)
  • Separate grease chamber with automatic grease removal (optional)
  • Completely encased unit, no odor nuisance
  • Frost protection for outdoor installation (optional)
  • Above-ground or underground installation
  • More than 2,500 installations
  • Completely made of stainless steel (including the screws)


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Case Studies

HUBER Solutions in Operation

2022-09-22 Wackersdorf and Föhren, Germany

Ideal synergies of ecology and economy: smart HUBER solutions for grit processing in the waste management industry

Due to the growing world population and the ongoing construction boom, the resources sand and water are becoming...

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2020-11-02 Øygarden, Norway

HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID - innovative overall process succeeds in Norway

In Øygarden, one of the most modern wastewater treatment plants in the country was built - with innovative and optimally...

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2020-04-20 Wackersdorf, Germany

HUBER Grit Treatment System RoSF5 in the waste management industry

The aim of the waste management industry is the processing of sands and mineral waste into recyclable fractions.

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2017-11-13 Niebüll, Germany

When big ROTAMAT® Ro5 machines find their place

Especially the installation of the huge HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5 units is an important moment in the execution...

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HUBER Complete Plant ROTAMAT® Ro5 in above ground tank installation

Grit washing in grit trap: Complete Plant plus grit washing plant

Complete Plants are complete systems for the mechanical treatment of small to medium amounts of wastewater from 10 to...

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